3 Simple Steps That Will Save You Thousands When You Buy a Home
Thursday, November 16, 2023

If you're like most homebuyers, you have two primary considerations in mind when you start looking for a home. First, you want to find the home that perfectly meets your needs and desires, and secondly, you want to purchase this home for the lowest possible price.
When you analyze those successful home buyers who have been able to purchase the home they want for thousands of dollars below a seller's asking price, some common denominators emerge. While the negotiating skills of your agent are important, there are three additional key factors that must come into play long before you ever submit an offer.
This topic has been the subject of extensive analysis by Industry Experts, and a summary of their findings, and a specific step-by-step purchase plan for homebuyers, can be found in a new special report called "Homebuyers: How to Save Thousands of Dollars When You Buy".
This free report outlines the psychology of how a seller sets their asking price, and gives you 3 simple steps to follow, before you even set foot in a seller's home, which could help you to successfully slash thousands of dollars off the price of the home you want.
You can find this special report below:

How Sellers Set Their Asking Price
For you to understand how much to offer for a home you’re interested in, it’s important for you to know how sellers price their homes. Here are 4 common strategies you’ll start to recognize when you begin to view homes:
1. Clearly Overpriced:
Every seller wants to realize the most amount of money they can for their home, and real estate agents know this. If more than one agent is competing for your listing, an easy way to win the battle is to over-inflate the value of your home. This is done far too often, with many homes that are priced 10-20% over their true market value. This is not in your best interest, because in most cases the market won’t be fooled. As a result, your home could languish on the market for months, leaving you with a couple of important drawbacks:
• your home is likely to be labeled as a “troubled” house by other agents, leading to a lower than fair market price when an offer is finally made
• you have been greatly inconvenienced with having to constantly have your home in “showing” condition… for nothing. These homes often expire off the market, forcing you to go through the listing process all over again.
2. Somewhat Overpriced:
About 3/4 of the homes on the market are 5-10% overpriced. These homes will also sit on the market longer than they should. There is usually one of two factors at play here: either you believe in your heart that your home is really worth this much despite what the market has indicated (afterall, there’s a lot of emotion caught up in this issue), OR you’ve left some room for negotiating. Either way, this strategy will cost you both in terms of time on the market and ultimate price received.
3. Priced Correctly at Market Value
Some sellers understand that real estate is part of the capitalistic system of supply and demand and will carefully and realistically price their homes based on a thorough analysis of other homes on the market. These competitively priced homes usually sell within a reasonable time-frame and very close to the asking price.
So, there you have 3 of the 4 common strategies sellers use to price their homes that you’ll start to recognize when you begin to view homes.
To order a FREE Special Report, visit www.briankondoteam.com/savethousands or to hear a brief recorded message about how to order your FREE copy of this report call toll-free1-844-932-1911 enter ID 3519. You can call any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Get your free special report NOW to find out how you can save thousands of dollars when you buy a home.
Thanks for reading today’s BLOG!!!

Brian Kondo
Sales Representative / Team Leader
The Brian Kondo Real Estate Team
Re/Max Hallmark First Group Realty Ltd.
905-683-7800 office
905-683-6025 direct
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